Thursday, August 20, 2009

Project Table

Eating together at the table was getting a little squishy. We needed elbow room. A neighbor where we used to live gave us a nice table top w/ a leaf. It had some dings, scratches and No Legs. But other than that it is great. We've held on to it for these many years thinking we would one day give it some legs. That day has come. We were cleaning house and so I thought I would bring the table top up from the basement and fix it or ditch it. After some mulling over the project we decided to ditch it. It didn't walk away, luckily, before Rob remembered the table legs out back. Those legs were from a table I got at a yard sale that I used outside for a couple of years. The top did not weather well and was destroyed. So we put the 2 together and the result was: BEFORE
There is not an invisible bucket there. Rob was using it at the moment to get water for the animals.

AFTER (the photos don't do it justice) It actually turned out better, and very different, than originally planned. And of course the girls had to be in the photo.
The table has an old worn look to it. I forgot to take a photo of it before bringing it inside. The lighting inside doesn't show it's beauty very well.

We now have elbow room to spare. Which will be good as the girls grow (not adding to the bunch mind you). Now we have to solve the problem of passing the food around the table. (:

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